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Beautiful Skin & Love Your Liver Testimonial

My Story by Kenny Moir

I’m not a novice when it comes to my skin and I certainly know a significant amount by comparison to most adult males.

From an early age, my dermatologist Uncle warned me, through my mother, about exposure to the sun and other elements when observing my highly sensitive and minimal naturally protected skin. 

This resulted in a life of sunscreens and moisturizers and generally youthful skin and a clear complexion.

What threw me off the rails was the onset of skin tags and bumps that appeared in my late 40s which I was told would require laser surgery to remove and could lead to scarring.

As a last resort, I started taking Beautiful Skin from Cydney Mar’s Wellness Line.

Before I was halfway through the first bottle, my co-workers, partner, and family began to notice the bumps getting smaller and the tags disappearing. It’s been over 8 months and the bumps are gone and tags smaller and fewer.

Three months ago when an annual physical detected an abnormality regarding my liver. I embarked on a journey of specialists and tests ending in a diagnosis of stage 3/4 liver disease not caused by hepatitis or cirrhosis or poor eating habits and showing no symptoms.

My specialist recommended vitamins and a natural liver supplement as there is no drug yet for my condition.

I turned again to Cydney Mar’s Wellness product Love Your Liver and my next blood profile showed improvement in my liver enzymes and other related blood work.

At the recommendation of my specialist, I’m continuing my supplements and can’t wait to see the results.