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Happy Clients of Cydney Mar Wellness Vitamins & Supplements

Healthy, Happy Clients always make My Heart Happy !! 

Excited reviews and personal stories about how Cydney Mar Wellness vitamins have positively impacted lives.

To hear that we have helped people grow gorgeous manes of hair, have great nails and beautiful skin, to help someone get a better night's sleep, to feel more energetic and simply feel more like themselves. Positively impacting people's lives is what motivates me every single day to show up, check in and connect. It is my mission and passion to help you achieve optimal health. 

It is my mission and passion to help you achieve optimal health. 

Healthy is a beautiful thing and here is what some of our happy clients have to say ~


Reviews for Fabulous Hair Skin & Nails 


Christina Caudill on Fabulous Hair Skin & Nails ~

I'm so thrilled !!

I'm so thrilled by these Cydney Mar Wellness    Get Gorgeous supplements!!!

I recently turned 40 and I'm very health conscious and take excellent care of my health and nutrition. But the one thing that eluded me was the condition of my thinning hair. When I saw Cydney's before and after pics of her hair growth after her illness, I was eager to give these a try. I noticed a difference in overall thickness of my hair within the first 2 weeks and now, several months later, I'm very happy with how strong and luscious my hair looks. I feel sexy, confident and beautiful! I tell Cydney that she needs to start a Modern-Day Rapunzel sisterhood with these supplements lol. Not to mention, my skin sensitivities have virtually disappeared! I also love what Cydney represents for modern women - a strong, vivacious entrepreneur living life to the fullest and supporting women in their inner and outer beauty. Such an inspiration!

Christina Caudill, Radiant Astrology. www.radiantastrology.com


Tanya Janke's daughters hands after three weeks ~

AMAZING product and customer service

I just ordered my second round of the Fabulous Hair from Cydney Mar. My tween daughter started using them with me and her nails are incredibly long and strong! Both of our hair has grown and feels healthier and stronger too!

An acquaintance recommended these products for me after I lost my mother and my hair started falling from stress and grief. I plan to start using the whole line of vitamins and supplements… They are such excellent quality! Cydney is an absolute gem! Her customer service has been exemplary and she is truly invested in the success/results of her customers!  


Michelle Matthews with her happy hair !!

I love the Fabulous Hair Skin & Nail supplements.

I love the Fabulous Hair Skin & Nail supplements !! After only 3 short weeks of using them, I went to the hairdresser and my jaw dropped when she said I actually don't need a haircut because my hair was so healthy! Talk about exciting! Also, my hair feels stronger and like it is growing faster than it was before. Recommending to all my friends and family! Thanks, Cydney!


Christina Ambubuyog with her gorgeous hair ~

Happy Hair !!

The past few months my hair has been falling out like crazy and becoming super thin which is not normal for me since my hair is so damn thick it makes my neck hurt even with short hair.

I recently met Cydney Mar @cydneymar online and reached out to her because I knew she had created special supplements you can take for your hair... and her before and after pics of her own hair growth are remarkable.

I ordered her "Fabulous Hair, Skin, & Nails" and so far I'm seeing a big difference in my hair. I really just noticed it right now after I washed and dried my hair. I didn't put any product in and am seeing how much more full it is, my hair isn't falling out like it was, and you can even see all the spikes of new growth at the top of my head.

Oh and I'm not even taking it daily liked I'm supposed to - I sometimes forget. I also noticed my nails are stronger and growing like crazy too. I'm not an affiliate or anything, just super happy to spread the word! If you're looking to add some magic to your hair and nails, definitely recommend her natural product.

Harriet McEntire Lanka ~ very excited !!


This is a public shout-out to Cydney Mar and her Fabulous Hair, Skin & Nails supplements. WOW.
I got 2 compliments on my hair yesterday and yes my nails are growing so fast that I've had to cut them almost every day to do massage...and my skin is glowing.
I've been taking the supplements for a little over a month or so (maybe longer).

Miracle-in -a -Bottle !!

Cydney’s hair supplement is nothing short of a miracle for me. I was losing my hair at alarming rates on the road to no hair when I found out about her hair and nails supplement. I had tried everything in the months before this, supplements, creams, lotions, oils, etc. When I saw the ingredients, I asked her about them, because it didn’t seem “that” different than the others I had taken. She explained that it was the synergistic effect, the quality, and the amounts of each that make the difference with her supplement. 

Well, after two weeks, I started noticing a little less fall-out when I would wash my hair, but after 5 weeks, all I can say is, I was shocked with delight. My hairdresser could not believe the grow out in 5 weeks, over an inch, and my hair had thickened up, with far less fallout. My nails were strong, smooth, and healthy. I would highly recommend Cydney’s product for anyone like me, that has tried everything and nothing works, this is your miracle-in-a-bottle!


Strong nails again

I started with this product after having gel manicures for years straight. First I used Everyday Wellness and after I was comfortable with that change to my routine, I added Fabulous Hair/Skin/Nails. My nails would constantly break at first, but after a 1-2 months they had done a 180. Strong new growth replaced the old ridged nails. Now I can't remember my last broken nail. Thanks, Cydney!!


When you need a miracle !!

There are not enough exclamation points appropriate for a decent sentence, to sum up how I feel about this product. First things first, I have never had strong fingernails. They never grow past the tips without painful tearing and splitting at the quick. Within a week they had grown past the tips, and within a month, for the first time ever, my nails weren't breaking. Talk about a miracle.
My hair is another thing entirely. I have a lot of fine stranded hair. This made my hair grow as much as it normally grows in six months. Mind blown.
I have read the ingredients. I take a ton of supplements for my health, and they all have what this has it, but nothing works so well. I have no idea why, but the proof, in this case, it is in the length. Fabulous Hair, Skin and Nails should be called something like WHEN YOU'VE TRIED EVERYTHING ELSE AND NEED A MIRACLE...

Thicker Hair, Stronger Nails, Disappearing Wrinkles !!

On a personal note, Fabulous Hair Skin & Nails is making my hair get thicker, my nails are definitely stronger and my oh my, I keep looking at my face incredulous at how my wrinkles are disappearing!!! WOO HEE!!! Amazing!!! XOXOXOXO.
Fabulous Hair Skin & Nails is a miracle product!
I just finished re-ordering my Fabulous Hair, Skin and Nails ~
I was so thrilled with the first bottle! I've been dealing with a thyroid issue for the past couple of years and, as a result, had lost the outer third of my eyebrows and my hair was thinning ~ especially around the temples.
I didn't necessarily think that the supplements would actually help with this but I was amazed! My hair is growing in thicker and my eyebrows are back! I do also take a natural thyroid supplement but I had been taking that already and the change since starting the supplements was very noticeable.
I'm thrilled with this product and ordered the Happy Cells and Focus Now products with my re-order! Cannot wait to try those!

Finding Cydney has been such a blessing!!

Finding Cydney has been such a blessing!!
I was breaking out on my skin with what's called "adult acne" which in your 30's (or any age really) is incredibly embarrassing.
I was reading as much as I could online on how I could heal my skin and get back to normal. Then I came across Cydney's Fabulous Hair Skin & Nails, wanting all of the above, I reached out to Cydney to see if this could be something that would help. She went above and beyond to see if this would be the best product for me, and also recommended lemon water daily, and that most likely it was my hormones that were out of balance (which the dermatologist later confirmed ;). I took to her lemon water daily and the vitamins, and voila ! after a month I'm seeing results with my skin! It's currently clearing up and I'm now getting compliments on how great my skin and even my hair look! Woo hoo!!
My nails are also thicker and healthier looking too!
A true miracle!!
Thank you, Cydney, for all you do and your kindest heart to help me!!
Much Love!!

My Nails are FABULOUS !!!!

My Nails are FABULOUS !!
Love them, Cuticles perfect, Nails strong!
I grew up as a nail-biter and was off and on until 2 years ago.
This is the best my nails have ever been !!!! And my hair is growing faster too.
These are the results I got from the first bottle ~ and just reordered!!
Thank you, Cydney !!



Reviews on Energetic Body & Mind, Adrenal Support ~

You absolutely need them in your life !!

Where do I start with Cydney Mar Wellness products? You absolutely need them in your life. I have suffered from anxiety for years, whilst it's much better than it was and the panic attacks have subsided, the effects of such severe attacks for a sustained period really affected my body and the fear of their return left me worried. My adrenals were out of whack. I was always cold, jumpy and when it came to bedtime I got a second wind no matter how tired I'd been during the day.

Anyway, fast forward to Cydney entering my life and her amazing Energetic Body & Mind supplement and I felt like a different person. The anxiety was hugely improved, my energy was sustainable all day. I was going to bed at normal time and getting a fantastic night's sleep every night. I even stopped being jumpy. It was such a significant improvement that my husband noticed the difference!!

I still have more supplements I want to try including the amazing hair skin & nails and if they are anywhere near as good as the other types I have tried, I know I'll be amazed. Thank you, Cydney for creating these products that really can change our lives. Thank you also for taking so much time to listen to my symptoms and work out the best supplements for me. I feel so supported, you are an angel <3 



During a rough time in my life recently Cydney suggested I try the Energetic Body & Mind Supplements as I feeling a little overwhelmed with life. These supplements certainly helped be get back to feeling energized each day and helped to get my sleep patterns back where they should be. I would certainly recommend these to anyone, they are wonderful. Thank you so much, Cydney!!!

Best of class.

This is easily the best adrenal support supplement I've ever encountered. Nothing else comes close. I recommend it unconditionally - especially if you lead a stressful life.


 Sara D on Mar 20, 2016

Game changer!

I was really lucky to meet Cydney and hear the story of these products in person. However, I still could not have predicted the good experience I would have with this supplement. Within a few days of starting Everyday Energy Multi Vitamin, my eyes brightened. After a few weeks, my resting heart rate (which my Fitbit tracker helpfully logs) had steadily dropped to healthy levels. At the same time, I'm thrilled to say that my stress level noticeably improved and energy increased dramatically. I was shocked at the results, which (cliche alert, sorry!!!) changed my life. I simply couldn't recommend Cydney Mar Wellness products more, thanks to my own personal experiences. If you're on the fence, it's definitely worth a try, and Everyday Energy is a great place to start (for about 4 months it was the only product I took regularly). Now that I've been taking this for a while, if I miss a week due to travel, my symptoms don't return, which is evidence of the product making a lasting impact. However, I do keep taking Everyday Energy for the long term since it helps me keep in optimal health.


Reviews on Immune Booster ~

Where do I start with Cydney Mar Wellness products?

You absolutely need them in your life. I have suffered from anxiety for years, whilst it's much better than it was and the panic attacks have subsided, the effects of such severe attacks for a sustained period really affected my body and the fear of their return left me worried. My adrenals were out of whack. I was always cold, jumpy and when it came to bedtime I got a second wind no matter how tired I'd been during the day.

Anyway, fast forward to Cydney entering my life & her amazing Energetic Body & Mind supplement and I felt like a different person. The anxiety was hugely improved, my energy was sustainable all day. I was going to bed at normal time and getting a fantastic night's sleep every night. I even stopped being jumpy. It was such a significant improvement that my husband noticed the difference!!

I also tried the Immune Booster Cold Chaser, this is like liquid gold. If you are feeling under the weather and don't have time to succumb to a cold, these supplements are the bomb. Take at the first sign of feeling rubbish and in 24 hours you'll be feeling like your old self again.

I want to try the amazing Fabulous Hair, Skin & Nails and if they are anywhere near as good as the other types I have tried, I know I'll be amazed. Thank you Cydney for creating these products that really can change our lives. Thank you also for taking so much time to listen to my symptoms and work out the best supplements for me. I feel so supported, you are an angel.


Reviews on Happy Cells & Love Your Liver ~

My Naturopath was very impressed with the ingredients !!

Yesterday, I saw my naturopath who uses kinesiology to determine what is up in one's body. Turns out I have a leaky gut and my thyroid and adrenals are barely functioning.Consequently, I am very low in magnesium, progesterone & potassium among other things.
I've been taking Happy Cells, & Love Your Liver  as well as Fabulous Hair Skin & Nails. 

He was very impressed with the ingredients in your products and said I should continue those, along with some additional supplements he suggested.
He basically told me that were I not taking what I HAVE been taking, things would have been much worse. 
Thanks so much for checking in !!