Vous cherchez des vitamines pour la santé et la beauté naturelles ?
Chariot 0

🌸 Reconnecting

- Cydney Mar

Hey Lovely

All of a sudden it's *almost the end of the year...


How did that happen? Five minutes ago I was emailing you as it was my birthday celebration in the Summer, and now, all the autumn leaves are falling, I've sealed up my air-conditioners, winter tires are on & I've ordered WeatherTech mats for my car, lol.

Honestly, I've been a wee bit busy with my Cydney Mar Consulting clients ( gee whiz its SO fun to help them create their new ideas!! ), a wee bit busy with foundational things ( aren't we all?? ) BUT, I am glad to report that I have surfaced. 

I've also taken very good care of myself during this super busy time, slept well, drank enough water, eaten properly & of course, taken my vitamins 😉

How about you? 

I hope that you've been taking good care of yourself, too. 

It is that time of year when I do my very best sale of the year & I'm working on what will be a wonderful offer for all of you... So please stay tuned & take a peek at what you have in stock & what you might need.

I'll make sure to make you a terrific offer so you can stock up on all your faves & stay fabulously healthy!

Much love, 

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