Vous cherchez des vitamines pour la santé et la beauté naturelles ?
Chariot 0

Spooked? or Happy Halloween?

- Cydney Mar

This morning when I went out onto my wee balcony to greet the day, I saw my friend Rihanna below, so I said " G'Morning! ".

She almost jumped out of her skin!! 

We laughed when she realized it was just me. I asked her what were her sources of calcium & while she works in a health food store, she wasn't sure. Spinach? Dark leafy greens? 

I suggested she jot down everything she ate for a week & and then quantify it. Then she could make healthy choices & add in some excellent sources of calcium if needed. 

When I was 13, my mother took me to my Sports medicine Dr & demanded that he give me a pill to "calm me down "... okay, okay, as a young elite athlete, I was probablyhyperactive and obviously driving her a bit squirrelly. Poor mom.

Dr. Rauh was a wonderful doctor and thought that since I was 13, that I'd be getting my period soon so perhaps a good quality of calcium magnesium 2-1 would be a great choice. 
He said, she needs it for her bone health, she needs more calcium for her upcoming periods and it also calms the nerves. 

He explained that when one had enough calcium in their body, then the extra calcium was stored on the ends of the nerves acting as a cushion. 

He explained that when someone was "jumpy " or "cranky " it often indicated a lack of calcium. Therefore ensuring that I had enough calcium would be good for both of our nerves, lol. 

He also recommended that we increase the calcium-magnesium when I was 18 and recovering from my skating accident. My legs were cramping horribly and calcium-magnesium was the answer. 

These stories are why I first started my journey as a young teenager into studying and learning about vitamins and supplements.

It is one of the reasons I made sure that I created my own Strong Bones Supplement as it calms the nerves, supports the muscles to reduce cramping as well as rebuilds bone tissue. Strong bones & calm nerves.

Just this week, I saw my friend almost jump out of her skin, another is having hip surgery, someone else having leg cramps and another getting the results of her bone density for she has osteoarthritis.

So don't forget to jot down all your foods for the week & check that your nourishment is well balanced.

Here is my Redonnez de l'éclat à votre peau 1 week program to help you walk through your healthy habits to be your best self. It has a calendar, daily emails & a wonderful booklet to help remind yourself of the 7 keys to optimal health.

Here's to strong bones, healthy foundations & calm nerves!!
My mother will thank you for it, ha.

Much love & many blessings, 


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