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Why Face Masks & Our New Reality?

- Cydney Mar

Très chers amis,

It's definitely been a mind-bending time in all of our worlds, where life, death & the concept of what's real or not is a daily question.

SO much information & misinformation is being tossed at us, it is hard to separate fact from fiction.

What I do know is that we just need to take one moment at a time. 

As a fashion designer & wellness advocate, I am motivated to create beauty and fashion options in hopes to create a more graceful way of living. 

A mere few weeks ago, I heard friends lamenting that they were looking for sewing machines to sew fabric face masks, then I thought, oh! we can make a face mask from a scarf. So I did a  video to show everyone. Then almost ALL my friends said, hey! I don't have a scarf that size. And I saw so many not so pretty face masks... And I thought, ok, we need alternatives. 

I designed a better fitting pleated mask, I created headbands & convertible foulards. I collaborated with my dear friends.

And so Face Mask Love was born.

I soft-launched it late last night...

My manufacturing partner & I decided to do a 1-1 Donation set up, which means for every Face Mask purchased, we will donate 1. We've partnered with the Army of Masks to help us connect with those in need & distribute them.

Dearhearts, in these uncertain times, my response has been to hunker down, then to create things that solve a problem.

May I present to you Face Mask Love the place for fashionable fabric face masks & face mask alternatives for your lifestyle.

For me, its been a labour of love, and the incredible intersection of my fashion background, my deep interest in wellness & my divine purpose.


Je vous souhaite beaucoup de bonheur, 



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