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Chuk et la joie au quotidien

- Cydney Mar - Chuk - Cellules heureuses - En bonne santé et heureux - Joie - L'amour de soi

I wanted to introduce you to Chuk, my baby Blue Bird of Happiness. He is just 8 weeks old and he is a hand fed budgie who has come home to keep Jack & I company and on our toes.

I believe that Wasabi must have chosen him for me.

I named him Chuk as it is part of my Chinese name ~ Ma Chuk Lian.

It is fun to think that Chuk is blue like the beautiful blue colour of a Ming Vase ( he is that precious to me ) and his cheerful chirping certainly means he is living up to his name of being noisy and conspicuous.

Chuk brings me much joy.

I was thinking about all of the things that bring us everyday happinesses and daily joy.

I happened to post a photo of Chuk and I on Facebook last week. It was a fun selfie of us, Chuk sitting on my finger and me with a happy silly grin on my face.

Here’s my darling Chuk ~ Mr. Blue Bird of Happiness himself.

He is still quite the baby, learning to hop off and on my finger, to climb the walls of his small empire and to cheerfully call out greetings when I come in the door.

He is a precious reminder that life is fleeting, delightful and to be enjoyed to the utmost.

 Later that evening I got a message from a friend about that photo. She wanted me to take it down as my “ hair looked bad “. She wanted me to know so I did not post “ bad “ photo’s of me and as she signed off she reminded me that she was my friend and she loved me.

She wanted me to take it down as my “ hair looked bad “. She wanted me to know so I did not post “ bad “ photo’s of me and as she signed off she reminded me that she was my friend and she loved me.

I laughed, I said, no, it is ok, I am not removing that photo, it’s about Chuk, not me and I think I look fine. Besides, it is about joy.

But later I wondered about that comment from my friend. I know that we all probably take a few shots of selfies and then delete them if they “look bad “. We can’t all look Instagram perfect all the time ( gosh that is waaaaay too much work, anyway! )

And I wondered how many people actually removed photos of themselves, even removing joyful photos because they thought it looked bad.

Joy is beautiful, gorgeous and delightful. Joy can also be silly, goofy and waaay too fleeting. Let’s love ourselves as we are, good and bad hair days, silly and happy.

Let’s go for the joy in everyday living. Are you in??

Loving you all as you are,

In Joy,

Cydney, Chuk & Jack


Let’s get Happy from the inside out with Happy Cells. This is such a wonderful formulation as it not only repairs cells walls, boosts the immune system to helps you not only stay healthy, but to help you stay forever young. Superb for those who may have had  a health challenge, or those just wanting to say forever young.

Happiness is healthy, so let’s get Happy!

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