Vous cherchez des vitamines pour la santé et la beauté naturelles ?
Chariot 0

Pourquoi des habitudes saines ?

- Cydney Mar - Sans âge - habitudes saines - Prendre soin de soi


I'm SUPER cranky ~ I am OLD by anyone's stretch of the imagination, kinda between OLD for those under 60 and kinda young for those over 60.

Healthy Happy is AVAILABLE to ALL of US...

I know you are busy I know you are taking care of your fam...but HOLY
SNHOOT... if you have a sore tummy, you huff & puff up the stairs, your wrist is sore and so is your ankle, then you have to answer to what your body is telling you ~

PLEASE, take of yourselves, I LOVE you, I want you to be healthy, happy, sexy, active till the end of time...

It is possible, I'm halfway there, lol ( to 120 years old that is ) 

C'mon, let's start with three things you can commit to this week ~
  • 1. Drinking enough water daily ... that's just 8 glasses daily 
  • 2. Get some fresh air, peeps, Vitamin D is FREE, but you gotta get OUTSIDE in the fresh air!!
  • 3. Eat good nourishing FOOD 3-5 times daily 
  • 4. OK I fibbed, I am adding in an extra... SLEEP, my lovelies, SLEEP, it is HOW the body heals itself, processes information, and that comes from committing to 7-8 hours every night like your life depended on it ( it does ) 

Happy Healthy Habits will do you a world of good so you can take care of you, & your loved ones.

Je vous aime tous énormément,

Not sure how to get started on your self-care? 

I'm always available for a chat to find out what's going on, hopefully, make a few suggestions that will help you get back on track.

Click here to Book a Chat.

Let's get you on the path to healthy happy.

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