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Double Happiness

Author: Cydney Mar

Double Happiness ~ 

My Dearest Loved Ones,

We had a crazy microburst here in our neighbourhoood last month, ripping out 100’s of great old wise trees and flinging them across busy streets, crashing down on homes and cars ~
It lasted only a few minutes, but the devastation was shocking. And in light of all the recent tragedies, it was nothing compared to what else has happened in the past month around the world.

I have to admit it ~ I have been almost paralyzed by all the tragic news in the world from the sufferings from the multitude of hurricanes, the carnage in Vegas and suffering in Edmonton.

I thought about just curling up and staying home and hanging out with Jack & Chuk. Like pretty much checking out. And then I realized that served no one and nothing, that my job was to simply show up.

So here I am.

I still feel like I am showing up with empty pockets and feeling somewhat insecure.

How are you feeling? Are you taking care of yourselves, making sure to turn off the news and rest up, eat well, drink some water and go hang out in nature? Gosh, I hope so.

I’ve been thinking about small wee things that cheer me up, like taking the time ( even if I feel that I haven’t the time) to sit and listen to whomever needs me at the cafe across the street. I have forgiven myself for not getting everything I wanted done, done.

I did work on creating a new Happy Healthy Loyalty Reward Points Program that is cheering me up. It’s been bugging me that while I had a program, I could not understand “ how “ it worked. That bugged me. I happen to belong to two loyalty programs that always make me happy, that are somehow easy to use and I feel that it actually makes a difference!

Let me introduce my new Happy Healthy Loyalty Rewards Program.

If you have been wanting to try some new vitamins and purchase in October, you can double your happiness by earning twice the amount of points AND redeeming them easily on each product page.

For those of you with Store Accounts, I have transferred all your existing points.

For those of you who want to create an account now but you have previously spent your good money for healthy goodness, please send me a message to activate your points according to what you have previously spent :)

Talk about Win Win !!

Plus you can earn points by sharing on FaceBook & on Twitter, as well as Referring a friend.

That’s all I got today.

I love you all bunches and I am deeply appreciative.

Cydney, Jack & Chuk
The Vitamin Queen, the old Trash Dog & the Baby Bluebird of Happiness.

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