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News — long life

Everyday Fabulous is my Modus Operandi

Cydney Mar bikiniready Everydayfabulous Healthyhabits long life

Everyday Fabulous is my Modus Operandi

It’s Springtime and everyone is thinking about getting themselves “ Bikini Ready”  or as one of my guy friends said, he was looking at shedding his winter layer and getting his abs ripped for the “ season “, lol.Lots of my friends are asking me what my secret to looking absolutely fabulous All. The. Time. I am hearing people talk about exaggerated detoxes, some extreme diets and weird food additions. Honestly, it sounds like something that isn’t very sustainable. We all want the magic bullet, the easy short cut to looking and feeling fabulous. I realized that my Modis Operandi is...

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Long Live Wasabi!!

Cydney Mar good health happy healthy long life longevity

Long Live Wasabi!!

Last week, my dear sweet, precious flirtatious bright green budgie bird affectionately called Wasabi passed away peacefully in the afternoon. In human years she would have been about 100 years old. I brought her home 14 ½ years ago when she was a mere 6 weeks old, a sweet tiny baby budgie who was a hand fed baby girl budgie whom the breeder told me he thought she would be capable of speech as her Blue feathered father was quite the talker. Many of you knew her over the years, as she cheerfully greeted everyone at my home. When I...

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