News — hair vitamin
How Protein Helps You Grow Gorgeous Hair
hair vitamin healthy choices healthy habits protein supplements vitamins
Cydney MarAre you eating enough protein each day? Hello My Lovelies ~ This is one of the questions I ask all my friends and clients when they ask me about how to get their hair growing gorgeously well. And I am so often surprised that not many people are aware of how much protein they do or don't eat on a daily basis. I was chatting with a gal who asked me if the tablespoon of flax seeds she added to her morning smoothie was enough... so we figured that for her to get a decent amount of protein would be between 1/2 cup and a cup of...
Common Causes of Hair Loss & Easy Tips on how to keep your Hair happy !!
breathing detox hair loss hair vitamin health concious health tips healthy habits
Cydney MarHi Everyone, Today I did a short Facebook LIVE video talking about some of the common causes of hair loss and some easy tips & tricks on keeping your hair happy and healthy. There are many cases where I see people who have some allergies, and I'm not sure how many people know that allergies cause an inflammatory effect in the body. Inflammation is the enemy of thick luscious hair. It can cause the hair follicle to go dormant. It simply goes to sleep. The body says, hey everyone we have important vital organs to keep healthy, hair is an accessory, so...
Healthy Habits Hack ~ Easy tips to remember to take your vitamins !!
daily dose hair vitamin health concious health tips healthy habits high quality supplements travel vitamins vitamins
Cydney MarHaving trouble remembering to take you vitamins ?? You aren't alone !! You've picked some great vitamins & supplements ... and say YES !! New health regime, I'm going to feel fabulous !! Yup, every morning , blah, blah, blah... Why, oh why is it so hard to actually remember to take them ? You know they are good for you, you want to remember ~ I have a few easy tips & tricks that will help you easily incorporate your new healthy choices into your already packed daily routine. First , I like to keep things simple ( that's...
And so it begins ... The Store opens
hair vitamin health concious high quality launch natural new online store supplements vitamins
Cydney MarIt it true ? Am I finally able to say " Hey , I'm opening my Cydney Mar Wellness Online Store " ?? Sqweee !! SO excited, as this has been the culmination of years of work and planning and play, thinking about what do we need to make optimal healthy easy , fun and effective ? And to think all started so so long ago. Did I need to have some near death experiences? Apparently so, and these I do not wish upon anyone, but what I can tell you is that life is precious and lets do all...