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News — Healthy Happy

The Gift of Health

Cydney Mar Gift of Health Healthy Happy

The Gift of Health

Why not give the Gift of Health? Besides, I am Gifting you a 30% Discount for the MONTH of NOVEMBER as a present for the Holidays ~Use Discount GiftofHealth at the checkout or use this link:https://www.cydneymarwellness.com/discount/GiftofHealthI find it curious that so many people want to look & feel great, but have a hard time motivating themselves to take daily action.And the Holidays are a terrific time to stretch your resolve to stay healthy, make healthy choices and maybe, just maybe, give the gift of health.It's only when they start to feel crummy, or run down that they then start to...

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Happy St Patrick's Day Savings!!!

Cydney Mar Healthy Happy Lucky Savings St Patricks Day supplements vitamins

Happy St Patrick's Day Savings!!!

The Luck of the Irish is with you, as Cydney Mar Wellness is going to available to ship on Amazon Prime soon ~ And that means Lucky Savings for you, now!! Buy your favorite vitamins & stock up between now & the end of March 2019 to enjoy 35% savings ~ Don’t forget that our shelf life is 3 years, so our stocks are super perfect for your Healthy Happy for a long time to come.   🍀What’s at the end of the Rainbow?? 🌸Cydney Mar Wellness at Amazon ~ Almost!! 🛍Buy NOW until the END of MARCH @35% OFF 🌸at...

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One Bite More, One Bite Less ~

Cydney Mar blood sugar diabetes healthy choices healthy habits Healthy Happy Lower your blood sugar practices weight management

One Bite More, One Bite Less ~

I was talking to my girlfriend about the fact she has to start monitoring her blood sugar as it is starting to rise where the good Dr are getting worried she will become Diabetic.

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What does Gratitude have to do with Beauty Rest?

Cydney Mar Adrenal Support Beauty Rest Energetic Body & Mind gratitude Healthy Happy

What does Gratitude have to do with Beauty Rest?

  Dearest Loved Ones,I've bee thinking about how grateful I am on this Long Weekend here in Canada celebrating Thanksgiving.And I've been thinking about how much my life has changed over the last few years, from struggling to make peace with the changes in my life and to fully embrace the beauty of my future. I used to lay in bed worrying about L.I.F.E. and wondering if I was making the right choices ~ for me and mine. For me and you. For me and my beloved fur babies and feathered baby. I spent much time in prayer and practicing my gratitudes,...

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Chuk and Everyday Joy

Cydney Mar Chuk Happy Cells Healthy Happy Joy Self Love

Chuk and Everyday Joy

I wanted to introduce you to Chuk, my baby Blue Bird of Happiness. He is just 8 weeks old and he is a hand fed budgie who has come home to keep Jack & I company and on our toes. I believe that Wasabi must have chosen him for me. I named him Chuk as it is part of my Chinese name ~ Ma Chuk Lian. It is fun to think that Chuk is blue like the beautiful blue colour of a Ming Vase ( he is that precious to me ) and his cheerful chirping certainly means he is...

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