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News — healthy habits

Chinese New Years & YOUR Healthy Choices

Cydney Mar Ageless beautiful skin beauty blessings Chinese New Year healthy choices healthy habits longevity Self-Care Self-Love

Chinese New Years & YOUR Healthy Choices

It's The Year of the Ox starting February 12th, 2021 ~And as your resident Chinese-Scottish-First Nations gal, I do have something to say about what's to come!!Sometimes I believe that all of these influences, predictions & tendencies are a wee bit stern and The Year of the Ox is no different. I had "hoped " for a more gentle year, as we have just passed through 2020, gosh, I wish I could predict an easier year.As I read through my favourite author's notes about what we could expect for this Year of the Ox, I thought, ok, if we really...

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Why a walk can make you happier, healthier ~

Cydney Mar Dogs healthy choices healthy habits Loveddogs walk

Why a walk can make you happier, healthier ~

Hey Loved Ones,At the end of September last year, my dearest Loved Dog, Jack passed away, no longer able to take one more step.I grieved, I prayed, I hoped that Jack would help me find another puppy, another rescue dog, sooner than later. Jack was a very loved dog ~ The Ambassador of Trash-ercise, where we picked up all trash along that way on all our walks, beautifying Mother Earth who provides us with all the precious ingredients for our vitamins & more, daily. October, November, December... I no longer went for 5 walks a day with dear Jack,  I sequestered myself, I became...

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Love Your Habits

Cydney Mar healthy habits

Love Your Habits

Hey, Healthy Happy Lovelies ~It's Friday night and I was thinking about all the wee things I do in a day that shape my healthy happy habits.If I place things in strategic places, I see them and they get done ( like placing my water bottle near my keys at the front door.Organizing my vitamins once a week into mini bowls on Saturday mornings, and having my handy wee zip lock bags to pop them into for trips away ( bring your happy healthy habits with you! )Stacking these mini bowls of vitamins by my water glasses, so I can...

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21 Days to Fabulous

Cydney Mar 21 days to fabulous Consistency healthy habits supplements

21 Days to Fabulous

I am sure by now that you all think I am an absolute maniac, lol.🤣I've been thinking about the fact that my SIMPLE commitment to going to the Gym 3 x week TOTALLY shifted my metabolism & helped me return to my skating competitive weight of 99-101 lbs.Listen, I come from the Land-of-Tiny People, at a stellar 155 cm or 5 ft 1 1/2 ", with a small bone structure, it happens to be MY optimal weight. I am not skinny, I am strong, flexible AND fit.Whatever YOUR optimal weight & fitness level is YOURS, you already know what that...

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Why Healthy Habits??

Cydney Mar Ageless healthy habits Self Care

Why Healthy Habits??

Ok, SOAPBOX TIME.I'm SUPER cranky ~ I am OLD by anyone's stretch of the imagination, kinda between OLD for those under 60 and kinda young for those over 60.Healthy Happy is AVAILABLE to ALL of US...I know you are busy I know you are taking care of your fam...but HOLYSNHOOT... if you have a sore tummy, you huff & puff up the stairs, your wrist is sore and so is your ankle, then you have to answer to what your body is telling you ~PLEASE, take of yourselves, I LOVE you, I want you to be healthy, happy, sexy, active till...

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