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News — beautiful skin

The Elves are still at it!!

Cydney Mar 2021 DISCOUNTS Ageless anti-inflammatory beautiful skin

The Elves are still at it!!

I’ve been gearing up for the Holidays as many of us have, with EACH day in December we are asked, HEY!! Got ALL your shopping done??  I’m SO waiting for that peaceful “In-between “ time between Christmas & New Years, when I know that most everyone will be focussed on their families, taking quiet time & time-out!   And yet, there is that niggly-piggly feeling I am getting EVEN THOUGH, I already ran my Annual Black Friday & Cyber Monday Sale, that we ALL need to continue to make healthy choices for ourselves, our families & loved ones.   TODAY...

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Happy Early Thanksgiving!!

Cydney Mar Ageless anti-inflammatory beautiful skin beauty Beauty Rest BFCM2021 blessings vitamins

Happy Early Thanksgiving!!

I was reflecting on the changing seasons, adding lovely cheerful deep orange chrysanthemums on my deck, planning out when to put up my Holiday decorations ( this year, I have to make sure that they are Lady Henrietta proof!) and realized that Cydney Mar Wellness was launched 6 years ago. Wow!!I have SO much gratitude, I know that I am healthier for it & so are you. I get to see your radiant faces online & in person whether in excited text messages, a Zoom call or in lovely emails.At Thanksgiving, I always love to use the BFCM time of year to...

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Chinese New Years & YOUR Healthy Choices

Cydney Mar Ageless beautiful skin beauty blessings Chinese New Year healthy choices healthy habits longevity Self-Care Self-Love

Chinese New Years & YOUR Healthy Choices

It's The Year of the Ox starting February 12th, 2021 ~And as your resident Chinese-Scottish-First Nations gal, I do have something to say about what's to come!!Sometimes I believe that all of these influences, predictions & tendencies are a wee bit stern and The Year of the Ox is no different. I had "hoped " for a more gentle year, as we have just passed through 2020, gosh, I wish I could predict an easier year.As I read through my favourite author's notes about what we could expect for this Year of the Ox, I thought, ok, if we really...

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Tending the Healthy Happy Water Habit

Cydney Mar beautiful skin charity fresh water healthy habits self love water World Water day

Tending the Healthy Happy Water Habit

It’s the night before World Water Day and I am hoping that you have remembered to pour yourself a tall glass of water. I have become the inadvertent Water Fairy and all my friends are so used to me offering water to them ( with lemons of course ) the moment they walk in my door, that they were surprised to see me show up to a Zoom Video catch up on line with a glass of wine and chocolates. They said hey, where’s the water?? Truth is, I totally walk the world in the middle-of-the-road and since I had...

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Simply Gorgeous, Radiant Skin

Cydney Mar beautiful skin fabulous hair skin & nails healthy habits Self-Care skin Skin care water

Simply Gorgeous, Radiant Skin

It’s that Peek-a-boo into Spring time where some of us are enjoying snow drops pushing through the snow and some of us just dreaming about the arrival of Spring. Got your tall glass of water? I’ve got mine! It’s all about how you can welcome in the beautiful radiance of Spring just by making sure you are so, so well hydrated. Spring reminds me of when everything is dewy fresh and holds the promise of all of our hearts desires. It reminds me that I love to have radiant dewy fresh skin, always ~ And Spring time magnifies my desires,...

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