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Happy Early Thanksgiving!!

Author: Cydney Mar

I was reflecting on the changing seasons, adding lovely cheerful deep orange chrysanthemums on my deck, planning out when to put up my Holiday decorations ( this year, I have to make sure that they are Lady Henrietta proof!) and realized that Cydney Mar Wellness was launched 6 years ago. 


I have SO much gratitude, I know that I am healthier for it & so are you. I get to see your radiant faces online & in person whether in excited text messages, a Zoom call or in lovely emails.

At Thanksgiving, I always love to use the BFCM time of year to offer my BEST sale, BEST discounts ever. 

We have all skated through the Pandemic, navigated questions, complicated discussions, to each find our own way through how we can be the healthiest, for ourselves as well as our loved ones.

Please enjoy 30% off when you use Gratitude30 at the checkout. Take advantage of the sale, the discount & all the healthy goodness that we provide in each & every veggie capsule of bioactive supernatural goodness for your best health.

** BFCM Sale Discounts from November 19th to midnight November 30th **

I'm doing my best to hold prices steady throughout 2021 and will need to raise prices in January 2022. Stock Up and enjoy the gift of health. 

Big Love & Many Blessings, 

Cydney, Chuk Mar, Lady Henrietta, & Princess Shilo

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