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Simply Gorgeous, Radiant Skin

Author: Cydney Mar

It’s that Peek-a-boo into Spring time where some of us are enjoying snow drops pushing through the snow and some of us just dreaming about the arrival of Spring.

Got your tall glass of water? I’ve got mine!

It’s all about how you can welcome in the beautiful radiance of Spring just by making sure you are so, so well hydrated. Spring reminds me of when everything is dewy fresh and holds the promise of all of our hearts desires.

It reminds me that I love to have radiant dewy fresh skin, always ~

And Spring time magnifies my desires, for a fresh start, for newness.

Water is the essence of life and helps your skin become radiant by detoxing your system, hydrating and helping your skin exfoliate and renew. It is such a  simple and effective remedy to beautiful skin. I love following my Mother’s edicts “ please use a face cloth to wash your face to gently exfoliate it daily. “ Daily. Hmm, my mother wanted to remind me to choose daily practices that would help me achieve beautiful skin, and using a  face cloth was one of them. I now keep a basket full of fresh face cloths by my bathroom sink to use them daily. Now I add to my daily self love care with enough water to hydrate my body &  to help me have beautiful, radiant skin, every single day.

My clients, who are wanting to look especially fabulous for their special day? I ask them to start with drinking 2 litres + water per day to help them attain their glowing dewy fresh skin for their wedding day. Bonus? It’s easily sustainable. You’ll glow from the inside out.  

Will you join me in welcoming in Spring and drinking enough water to give you beautiful skin? Radiant skin that glows shows the world what a healthy, happy person you are and it all starts with a glass of water.

Loving you bunches,



Looking for extra dewy fresh skin?


Psst ~ Here is a wonderful testimonial from a very happy client!!

I'm so thrilled !!

I'm so thrilled by these Cydney Mar Wellness, Get Gorgeous supplements!!! I recently turned 40 and I'm very health conscious and take excellent care of my health and nutrition. But the one thing that eluded me was the condition of my thinning hair. When I saw Cydney's before and after pics of her hair growth after her illness, I was eager to give these a try. I noticed a difference in overall thickness of my hair within the first 2 weeks and now, several months later, I'm very happy with how strong and luscious my hair looks. I feel sexy, confident and beautiful! I tell Cydney that she needs to start a Modern-Day Rapunzel sisterhood with these supplements lol. Not to mention, my skin sensitivities have virtually disappeared! I also love what Cydney represents for modern women - a strong, vivacious entrepreneur living life to the fullest and supporting women in their inner and outer beauty. Such an inspiration!

Christina Caudill, Radiant Astrology. www.radiantastrology.com

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