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Tending the Healthy Happy Water Habit

Author: Cydney Mar

It’s the night before World Water Day and I am hoping that you have remembered to pour yourself a tall glass of water.

I have become the inadvertent Water Fairy and all my friends are so used to me offering water to them ( with lemons of course ) the moment they walk in my door, that they were surprised to see me show up to a Zoom Video catch up on line with a glass of wine and chocolates. They said hey, where’s the water?? Truth is, I totally walk the world in the middle-of-the-road and since I had already drank 6 tall glasses of water during the day and had supper, it was time to have a sweet snack and my evening cocktail.

I’ve been studying more about water and the more I learn, the more I find it delightfully wonderous. In one of my classes, we were studying science findings about the nature of water, the existence of the 4th phase and it’s impact on our health. We are composed mostly of water, but if you look at the total number of molecules in the human body, it actually comes out to 99%. Crazy right ?

What helps our bodies and minds flourish and become stronger and healthier?

Water helps you with great mental clarity, as being dehydrated even a little bit can cause confusion. It insulates the brainΒ and helps you stay on top of your game. Water, sunshine and being outside in the fresh air.

It’s almost Springtime, loved ones, I hope you are getting outside, drinking lovely water, and breathing deeply. Such easily accessible daily practices to help you be your fabulous, healthiest best.

This morning on my walk with Jack, we stopped by a still leafless hedgeΒ and saw some happy Chickadees chirping away in the bush, heralding in Spring. The ground was wet and smelled of the promise of Spring. It really made my heart happy.

Looking forward to seeing your bright and shiny faces hop in to say hello,

Big Hugs,


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