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One Bite More, One Bite Less ~

Author: Cydney Mar

I was talking to my girlfriend about the fact she has to start monitoring her blood sugar as it is starting to rise where the good Dr are getting worried she will become Diabetic.

We talked about an easy strategy for her to start improving her blood sugar and this is what we came up with  ~

1. I suggested she take one bit less of each meal she ate... to start reducing her calorie intake gradually.

I wanted to suggest she do something that she could commit to doing.

Not something that she did for a few days or a week and then quit.

I wanted her to do something that she could do and do for an extended period of time. 

She accepted the challenge!

Now I had to help quantify it for her in simple terms, so I used my One Cookie Approach. 

If a cookie is about 100 calories to 140 calories and you changed NOTHING in your diet except ate ONE LESS COOKIE per day x 365 days = 10 lbs of weight loss for the year without changing anything, just one cookie less per day. 

2. I suggested she learn about the Glycemic Load of foods to help her make healthier choices. Also known as GI Index.

If she were shopping at the grocery store and she thought, hmmm. should I buy Carrots or Cabbage? Carrots actually have a high GI Load and Cabbage, not so much. So if she chooses cabbage instead of carrots, it would help her blood sugar.

3. Combining Proteins with High GI foods ( that might be bread, pasta, fruits etc )

If the food is a high GI load such as Water Melon, the blood sugar will spike, and you feel good for the moment. Then the pancreas comes in say, hey body, the blood sugar is waaaay too high and releases insulin. The blood sugar drops and you CRASH. Boom! you feel like crap.

What is a better choice? 

What we are looking for is a more even sugar uptake into the bloodstream for a sustainable supporting energy that is enduring. 

How do we do that?

What if I wanted to have some pear to give myself some excellent fruits, but the GI load is high? A healthy choice might be to eat a small handful of almonds ( 6 pcs? ) 

The protein from the Almonds in combination with the apple  ensures that the blood sugar uptake is slowed down and therefore more even ( not spikes, no crashes )

These are my three strategies to help you make Healthier Happier choices.

Happy Healthy to you my Loves ~

Cydney, Jack & Chuk 


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