It’s Springtime and everyone is thinking about getting themselves “ Bikini Ready” or as one of my guy friends said, he was looking at shedding his winter layer and getting his abs ripped for the “ season “, lol.
Lots of my friends are asking me what my secret to looking absolutely fabulous All. The. Time.
I am hearing people talk about exaggerated detoxes, some extreme diets and weird food additions. Honestly, it sounds like something that isn’t very sustainable. We all want the magic bullet, the easy short cut to looking and feeling fabulous.
I realized that my Modis Operandi is so very Middle-Of-The-Road.
Maybe it’s because that is what my dear old Dad drilled into me “ Cyd! “ he’d say, “ Everything in Moderation. “
And in our family, everything was always simplified into consistent small steps to showing up as our best selves.
Dad also drilled into me “ High Calibre “ and “ Natural “
I was woken each morning at 4:30 am for my skating by my mom, and she’d turn on the light to its lowest dim light and say “ Cyd, Cyd “ to try to wake me gently. She’d go off to start making me breakfast and I’d get up in the half light and eat my warm oatmeal with demerara sugar and cream. My mom and Dad always knew the special ingredients that would make it especially good for me.
This whole frenzy now of people talking about how to get themselves Spring ready is making me a bit nuts.
What happened to Everyday Fabulous?
What about making daily healthy choices to keep you more or less on the straight and narrow?
What if our daily choices were about everyday fabulous?
Today I posted a pic of my abs, which I saw a glimpse of as I was changing this morning ~ which for me, showed that I wasn’t far off what I would like to be, and it encouraged me.
It also reminded me that because I take a MOR approach, I never get very far off my center, I’m reasonably close to staying in alignment, even with my Winter chubbies. My competitive weight was 98 lbs, my Spring resting weight was 103. I was 5 ft. My resting adult weight was 105 and as I grew in my old age, I got to be almost 5 ft 2 ( not quite, lol ) Today I am 110 lbs.
Let’s all start with simple easy healthy habits that will help us be our best fabulous. Everyday fabulous.
~I’m walking Jack 2-3 times a day (that equals about a hour of walking daily )
~I drink 6 glasses of lemon water a day. Read more about why water is so important.
~I take my vitamins daily.
~I make sure I get enough rest each night ( 7-8 hours )
~I go to the gym 3 times a week. I keep it simple, I warm up on the treadmill, I do weights and I do floor work ( push ups, sit ups, stretch & strength, and planks )
~I eat 3 simple meals a day ~ Yogurt w cereal, fruits & chia seeds, lunch could be avocado toasts, supper a beautiful baked chicken breast w quinoa, and salad. Snacks are cheddar cheese, and I indulge in a glass of wine and chips ( yes, I love crisps! )
And somehow for me, it works. Would I love to be a few pounds less? Yes, that would be nice. I’m also 58 going on 59 and yes, getting even fitter, even more fabulous is on my horizon.
Just make small consistent healthy choices and you will be on the right path. One bite more to gain weight. One bite less to lose weight. Cut yourself some slack. Be kind to yourself.
Let yourself indulge in moderation.
There is more beauty in MOR than we may have given ourselves permission to believe possible. I’m living proof.
You don’t have to change up your whole fridge, you don’t have to go on some crazy diet. Just keep it simple, make healthy choices and bring yourself back into alignment with your healthy happy self.
Your body knows best, so tuning into the miracle that it will guide you in the truest sense.
Be well my darlings, trust that you can make healthy happy choices and be your very best happy self.
Love you bunches
PS read more about easy Self Love habits