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Necessary Shifts, because L.I.F.E.

Author: Cydney Mar

Hello, Dear Loved Ones,

I took a break from writing blogs, as the world was knee-deep in the vortex of change, with the world was moving faster than I could personally keep up with, I have felt slammed. 

How about you?

Life Shifts. Realizations. Re-setting one's purpose. Checking to see if one's compass is set right.

And today, I thought, I'd step out of my self made cave to touch base & see how you all were.

It's not even quite the end of the first 6 months of 2020, and like many of you, I wonder what happened to the time, I feel a bit like the carpet got pulled out from under me, but thankfully I'm still standing. 

I've had lots of time to reflect & take care of somethings that I needed to...  I launched Face Mask Love in response to the community's need for face masks. I know face masks are not the choice that everyone wants to make, so for those who do want them, I wanted to offer more fashionable, better fitting ones. 

I'm studying again, as I realized I needed to learn more about systemic racism in the world, I see it in everyday life, in my own life, in things I need to do better, to respond to better. Now that my eyes are open, I cannot unsee what I have seen. I'm taking steps to be a better human. It's going to take time. 

I've wondered why with all the talk & reports of COVID and seeing friends' precious loved ones taking ill & dying, why there hasn't been more talk about building the immune system. 

I've tried to stay informed but also taken a few steps back to protect myself from all negative news. It became too much. I tried to balance the news with things that cheered me up, like making beautiful things, curating my home ( like painting my flower pots ) cooking beautiful foods for myself & Princess Shilo, talking to my bird Chuk. 

I found some sweet spots along the way, some backbone that I had forgotten I had & resilience that I realized all of us have but may have forgotten about.

I hope that you are all staying safe, finding joy & taking the necessary steps to keep you & your families safe as we return to work, as things open up.

Many Blessings, 

Use StaySafe20 on all vitamins to help you make healthy choices that are right for you. 

These are my top 3 for boosting the immune system. I just wanted to make the price attractive enough so you can buy everything that you need. 

Immune Booster Vitamins 

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