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Self Soothing, Frango Mints & a Yearning for Yesteryear~

Author: Cydney Mar

It's early December ( yeah!!!!!! ) and yet, I'm feeling homesick for my Vancouver, for the way things were, for my family home, waking up on Christmas morning, the excitement of Santa & the smell of the sea salt in the air in BC...

I'm yearning for yesteryear when my dear old sweet Uncle Syd would bring me a beautiful box of Frango Mint Chocolates, just for me!!

I have always LOVED traditions, the beautiful wrappings of gifts, the delightful fun of ALL the excitement of what Santa might put into my stocking, from toothbrushes to clementines & wee things that were marked " from Guess Who ", lol.

Guess Who became a " real person " to me after all & I LOVED getting something from GUESS WHO?

So in these times of COVID, these oddly weird times, when we are yearning for the way things were, I would LOVE to offer you some loving treats for the month of December.

It's been a hard year, and we can ALL use a break ~ 

I'm creating a 30% Discount for you to use for yourself, your loved ones as well as for Gift Giving ( don't forget that I am ALWAYS available for a chat to suggest the supplements that might be right fr you & your loved ones )

Use 12DAYS at the checkout & enjoy a delightful 30% discount for the entire month of December.

I'm also going to be self-soothing by buying some of the Frango Mint Chocolates, some Christmas Fruitcake & baking Mrs. Casper's Shortbread ( to die for! ) 

What are you going to be doing to make yourself feel at home, to carry on some loved traditions & to create your yesteryear? 

Message me back as we ALL need more real connection & it would warm my heart to hear from you ~ 

So much love,

PS Will pull out Mrs. Casper's Recipe for Shortbread for you all!

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