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Sound Familiar??

Author: Cydney Mar

We are all creatures of habit, so why is it so darn hard to make new ones? 

I was deep, deep in sleep this morning when the door buzzer rudely jarred me awake ~
It was the Amazon driver with my Amazon Prime packages at 7 am in the morning. 

I know, I know, I tend to stay up late, and in an effort to get a solid 71/2 -8 hours of beautiful restful sleep, I typically rise at 8 am. That's my life as a night owl and entrepreneur. 

However, I am usually excited ( during the day ) about the doorbell ringing as I know it probably Amazon delivering something I am TOTALLY excited about getting. 

But not today, it was ALL off schedule for me... I was half asleep, mixed up and thank goodness I had my jammies on.

We are SO attached to our routines ( sleeping til 8 am ) that we definitely, resist change, even if its fun/good for us/ exciting.

So how do we choose to make changes that are healthy happy for us?

I think the answer is in PLANNING & ANTICIPATION

If planning our new habits into our daily routine so we can anticipate them, then perhaps we can simply relax into the habit-forming part of doing it again and again...

Let's all PLAN ahead, ANTICIPATE MORE and accomplish our goals of healthy happy ~ 

I'd love to hear your take on how to shift resistance to change, establishing new healthy habits and enjoying life!! 

Post in the comments below and tell me the ONE thing that you resist in creating healthy happy habits.

Tomorrow I am going to give you MY tips for taking my vitamins & never missing a day ~

Biggest of Hugs,

AKA The Vitamin Queen

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