Why Everyday Fabulous?
Hey Loved Ones,
I've been thinking a lot about how much more aware we all need to be of taking care of ourselves. Seems to me that there are fraught nerves, not quite enough sleep & anxiety.
I do my best to be super consistent about my own self-care, but I caught myself being cranky pants and perhaps if I'd been able to take a step back, I might have been able to react with a wee bit more compassion.
It's Mother's Day this weekend, let's celebrate our health, take care of ourselves & being more compassionate.
I have my vitamins sorted into 7 little dishes for the week so I can just grab one each day at breakfast. It helps me be consistent in an easy way. How about you? Are you doing some things to make your life easier? I sure hope so!
Big love to you,
Cydney, Princess Shilo, Lady Henrietta & Sir Chuk