It’s already February and I am thinking about Self Love
January has come and gone, Chinese New Years was SUPER fun and Valentines Day is almost here. I am getting all worried about all my commitments. I want to do everything! Everything doesn't fit in!
Ok, time to cut myself some slack and offer myself a little bit of loving.
I am planning on recommitting to being more consistent. I get all excited about ideas and things I want to do and then Poof! I get all pear shaped and sideways and somehow not all the things I promised myself happen. Grrhhh. I love myself, what happened?
Regroup !
First I decided to forgive myself for falling off the bandwagon. I’m not a failure, I just got overwhelmed. I took my lovely New Years Resolutions and sorted them into three categories;
~what was fun !!
~ have to do’s
~Wouldn’t it be nice ??
I put one of each of these into each quarter throughout the year and stretched it out not to overwhelm myself. That way it is so much kindlier and so much more doable ~
Having some fun stuff in between all our commitments makes life so much sweeter right ?
Here are some of the ways I am going to love myself :
- I’ll make sure I go to the gym, it is fun, I get energized and I can treat myself to relaxing in the whirl pool after ( beside being nicely fit and always a great benefit, right ? )
- I decided that I’ll make more room for some of my fun & relaxing hobbies ( I love crocheting, and so I am making my friend a baby blanket for her soon to be born baby boy while I meditate, so it will be imbued with so much love, oh! and I am crocheting hat to work out the pattern so I can teach my girlfriends daughter, so fun ! )
- I decided that I’ll make time to see my friends and connect.
- I love my bubble baths so I will do my luxurious bubble bath with Epsom salts, lavender drops and baking soda to relax, destress and detox myself. Here is the link to my bubble bath recipes
- I recommitted to my healthy eating by making delicious meals and organizing my vitamins each Saturday with a focus on detox and rebuild. I’m testing a wonderful new formulation that detoxes the Lymphatic system, lowers inflammation and rebuilds the nervous system. What’s in my daily packs : Everyday Energy Complex Multi Vitamin, Love Your Liver, Energetic Body & Mind Adrenal Support, Strong Bones and Happy Cells ( I want to look fabulous FOREVER, don’t you ? )
- And I am keeping up drinking 4 large glasses of water everyday ( with lemons !! )
These are the types of things that make my heart happier and healthier.
Let’s be kinder to ourselves and let a little self love go a long way ~ I’m sure we’ll all be happier, healthier and it’ll all get done in good time.
What healthy happy things will you do to be kind to yourself this month?
Sending you so much ( Self ) Love,
Your Healthy Happy Cheerleader