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A New Calling ~ Teaching people how to cook healthy meals ??

Author: Cydney Mar

Just got booked to teach a bachelor how to cook healthy meals at home, could this be a new calling, lol?

I find this so charming because I recall so many years ago when I first left home, I did not know how to cook-at-all!

I knew from my father, how to balance the ingredients based on their colour
( 3 colours Cyd!! not two the same, for instance not rice AND bread or potatoes ) IE One white, one red, one green ~ He said a meal is balanced with three parts. 

My cousin Jo & Auntie Kay gave me cook books that year, and as my mother wasn't too pleased with me, I could not call home to ask how to cook this or that. I had not even taken much home-ec at school as I was always at the rink skating !

And my cousin Jo said to me " Can you read? Then you can cook !! "

I had two strategies:
1. I made the decision right then and there to learn to cook only the 1/2 hour recipes (hey by the time you set the table, prepare veggies, it takes time !)
2. I decided to plate my foods beautifully and set the table properly
( if it looks good, it will taste better !! )

And that's what I did, by trial and error, reading, lol and cooking ~

Who knew my strategy for survival in the kitchen would turn into a calling?

That's why all my friends know that they can pretty much drop in anytime and I will have a yummy spread in no time flat ~

And one of my friends maintains that I have the most photographed plates ever !!

I am so looking forward to sitting with my bachelor friend, asking more questions about his tastes in food, helping him with a grocery list, and teaching him how to make delicious, healthy meals, easily and quickly at home. 
Bon appetit loved ones, enjoy your healthy happy meals !! 
Chef Cydney

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