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A Perfect Time To Re-Start

Author: Cydney Mar

I ALWAYS love celebrating Chinese New Year's ~

Somehow no matter how hard I try, I am not all sorted by the Georgian Calender end of the year December 31st each year 🤷🏻‍♀️

Celebrating Chinese New Years always gives me an extra 5-6 weeks to get ready to restart my engines afresh without any guilt.

Oh, my year starts at Chinese New Years 🧧when I get Red envelopes, eat long noodles and plan for a prosperous new year!

This Year of the Pig is no different, and as I hustled to complete ALL that I promised myself, I was grateful for the extra few weeks wiggle room. Somehow it always takes the pressure off and matches perfectly with my Mantra " Do ONE less thing every day ".

Things I promised myself in 2018 ( my years end at Chinese New Years, lol ) 

  • Be more consistent 
  • Exercise
  • Nutrition
  • Vitamins 
  • Increasing water to 3 liters per day 
  • Schedule out my week to include play time 
  • Plant BIG Project Seeds 
  • Daily Morning Practices 
  • Etc, etc, etc 

And I did alright, turned the BIG 60 in 2018, hit my target optimal weight, exercised consistently 3 x week for months on end, increased my water intake and feel fabulous!

Now I am looking at the Year of the Pig and thinking, alrightie, it's supposed to be MORE fun, more lavish ( caveat being, don't over-do it! Oh, oh, I hear my father saying, Cyd, Middle of the Road is best )

So cut yourself some slack and celebrate Chinese New Year's with me.

Let's count our blessings for what we have accomplished.

After all, there is always another year, lol. 

Gung Hay Fa Choy!!

May your year be healthy, happy & abundant ~


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