As many of you have seen me talking about, I turned the BIG 6-0 this year ~
My whole 59th year was like a living life review... pondering what I was proud of, what I celebrated, what I was ready to let go of ~
And turning 60 was FABULOUS!!
I could NEVER have predicted how darn happy I might FEEL upon turning 60 and celebrating it every step of the way.
Did I make New Years Resolutions in 2018? You betcha!
Did I accomplish them ALL? Nope? Did I drag my arse in 4th Q to make up for lost time? You betcha!
And honestly, consistently showing up and doing the work BIT BY BIT totally moved the needle forward.
Today, at the end of 2018, I am at my optimal weight, I am fit, flexible ( worked my arse off at the gym 3 times a week for the last 3 months of the 4th Q, lol )
It was a promise I made to myself that being 60 was going to ROCK.
My skin is radiant ( thank you 2-3 litres of lemon water daily )
I nourished myself daily, I took my vitamins I exercised AND I worked.
I'm happy, my clients are happy and more than anything, I feel peaceful AND motivated for next year.
CONSISTENCY matters ~ It makes a difference, it moves the needle forward.
Do wee bits each day and you will make progress.
What can I do to support you?
More recipes?
More clarity on symptoms & issues?
More love?
Let me know and I will change it up for you ~
Next to come?
Super cool announcements coming up for 2019!
In the meantime... I LOVE YOU !!
PS #hairfairy #energizerbunny #doriangrayssister