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Bringing More Beauty into our Lives?

Author: Cydney Mar

Bringing More Beauty into our Lives?

Dear Loved Ones, 

Happy New Year!! 

I have been sitting with my thoughts on how 2017 unfolded and dreaming into how I would like 2018 to blossom into a gorgeous creation.

It’s cold today here in Montreal, in fact, its a cold high of -19 C and a low of -26 C. 

Even poor old Jack in his red cable knit sweater and Muttluk Boots was feeling it when we went out to do his business and to faithfully Trash-erise. 

Today marks not only the auspicious first day of the New Year, it also marks the 2nd Anniversary of our Trash-ercising efforts. I am delighted and ever more committed to continuing our daily work to beautify our neighborhood and hopefully inspire others to do the same. So Jack and I did a fist pump of personal pride. It is our agreement with dear Mother Earth who provides for us the precious ingredients for our healing vitamins so bountifully. 

What are you dreaming into this year? 

I have been pondering how I would like to approach this year and all I have been able to come up with is this ~

Love and more love.

I believe that today more than ever we need to lean into an era of love and forgiveness sprinkled with no judgment.

Don’t like what you see? 

Then do something positive about it. Sprinkle a little love. 

As with Trash-ercise, I bored myself of complaining that the neighborhood was full of trash. I was so fed up with myself of complaining that I packed up a bunch of bags and picked it up. I choose to think it as an act of love. I loved Mother Earth and she shows me her greatness in the love she gives back. 

And so I leave you with more love ~ 

I am deeply grateful for you, your families and your loved ones. May this auspicious year of 2018 being you love and more love.

Many blessings,

Cydney #TheHairFairy,  Jack #TheTrash-erciseAmbassador & Chuk #BlueBirdofHappiness 


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