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How My Simple Daily Practices Ensure an Absolutely Fabulous New Year ~

Author: Cydney Mar

How My Simple Daily Practices Ensure an Absolutely Fabulous New Year ~ 

It’s time to tell the truth, my whole truth and nothing but the truth…

Yup, I am easing into my 60th year ( Holy Smokies, how’d that happen?? )

My Secrets? Easy!

The truth is, I live quite simply, and look to find joyful ease in everyday.

Here are my 7 simple steps to Everyday Fabulous ~

Morning Practices ~

Do you have a morning practice? I do and while it has evolved over time, I am quite consistent about it. I love that quiet time in the morning when I take the time to write my gratitudes ( I typically like to write down three things I am deeply grateful for in my wee world ) I meditate ( I have loved meditations that I listen to each and every morning ) and I often reach for my prayer book, which is filled with prayers I have saved over time that I have loved. If I feel the need to clear my mind, I may do morning pages such as  Julia Cameron wrote about in her book, The Artists Way.This always helps me clear out any fogginess and sets a clear day ahead of me.

Being an Organized Creature of Habit ~

Are you organized? I think one of my missions is to bring a whole new level of sexy to being organized. One day I am going to write a book called The Other Big O, lol. I write everything down as it gets it out of my head and into the queue of life, lol. I am very outcome-oriented, I feel happy when I know I have accomplished what I set out to do.

This starts with getting myself organized, planning, scheduling and then all of a sudden, it is so easy, everything falls into place. As Marie Forleo says " If it isn't scheduled, It isn't real ".  Easy to remember that I meant to call someone, easy to remember to take my vitamins, easy to move the needle forward.

Having schedules and structure also means that I can be completely spontaneous as well, as nothing ever gets so off track that I can take off for an afternoon if a friend needs me or I can just go and have fun!

Fun makes me feel like I am not missing out on life and keeps me connected to the community and the world around me.

Healthy Daily Habits ~

Are you drinking enough water? Are you eating nourishing meals throughout the day?

My father used to say, Cyd, if the car doesn’t go, check the gas, lol.

I drink 2-3 liters of water a day, typically with lemons, as I love Lemon Water. Plus lemon water is alkalizing which is superb as it helps you ward off any germs. I eat three square meals that are yummy, nourishing and well balanced.  I take my health boosting natural vitamins daily as I have organized them one a week as well. I plan my meals ahead of time, shop once a week to be organized. I don’t skip meals, and that helps me keep my energy levels even…

I love feeling good and staying consistent with my nourishment is key.

If I am going out and about in my car, I take my 1-liter water bottle with me and easily drink it while I drive, keeping well hydrated has so many benefits.

 Get Fresh Air & Exercise ~

Are you getting enough fresh air? a wee bit of exercise each week?

I walk about an hour a day with my dog Jack as well as going out and about in my neighbourhood. One of my friends who was an Olympic Sprinter reminded me that walking was an underrated healthy exercise and that it had so many benefits that go unrecognized. Its good for your bones, your lungs, your metabolism and clears your mind. I also Trash-ercise with Jack and that's great for my behind, arms, and legs! It also makes my heart happy to beautify my neighbourhood. I also go to my gym at least twice a week for a proper workout.

 Have Fun! Socialize! Play!!

Are you having enough fun?

Years ago I read Stephen Covey’s book “ 7 Habits of Highly Effective People “. I loved it as it helped teach me to address all parts of myself as well as to incorporate fun! Making sure I have some fun each week helps me be consistent, to get my work done as well as to see my friends and family to enjoy life.

I Love Myself ~

Do you love yourself enough? Are you forgiving and say kind things to yourself?

I have found that being good to myself from taking myself out to a nice lunch, to cutting myself some slack, to loving myself each day makes a huge difference. All the unkind things I thought of myself caused me great unhappiness and struggle. Once I let go of the need to criticize myself, life got easier, kinder, gentler.

Beauty Rest ~

Do you get enough deep restful sleep each night?

One of the kindest things I have ever done was to give myself permission to sleep properly, long enough and deep enough. That’s when the body can process the day's events, heal and renew itself. As a young skater, I learned to cat nap, pretty much anywhere as we needed to catch up on our sleep as we were up at 4:30 each morning to get ready to go skating. We also made sure to eat our breakfast ( Breakfast of Champions! ) and to be organized so that it was a pleasure and joy to skate.
So if you want enough energy to get through the day, you have to eat enough, sleep enough and play enough!

These are my 7 Simple Daily Practices that stand me in good stead and help me be Everyday Fabulous.

 What are you doing to help yourself feel fabulous every day?

We each have SO many talents, raison d'etres and gifts to bring to the world... Living our purpose can be SO much easier if we feel fabulous!!

Happiest of Holidays, I’m looking forward to enjoying and to hearing about all your good mischief AND wonderful plans for 2018.

 Big Love, 




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