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Celebrating Our Fathers

Author: Cydney Mar

I was up about fairly early this Sunday morning thinking about my father as I took Jack for his early morning walk ~

When I was a young girl, my dad got up super early Sunday mornings to go play golf with his buddies.

I would wait at home for him and learned how to make him a nice breakfast for when he got home.

I made 2 eggs sunny side up, 2 slices of toast, some bacon & sliced tomatoes. My mother always liked things plated beautifully so I learned how to slice the tomato carefully and lay down three slices, sprinkled with chopped green onions.

He liked ketchup on the side, and pepper on his eggs.

I was always excited when he drove up, back from his game and proud to serve him a good hearty Sunday breakfast.

Dad was a very good cook, much more comfortable in the kitchen than my Mom. 

His father, Reverand Ma was a medical herbalist before he came to Canada at the turn of the century. And one of Grandfathers edicts was to cook with three colours and only one of each colour to ensure that the meal was balanced. 

Not only does it look wonderful, it is an easy way to create a well-balanced meal.

It also helps you avoid nutritional mistakes,  like too many carbs, for instance, most of the white foods are flour, rice, pasta, potatoes and all carbs… so Dad would say, choose only one.

Sensible right?

In pondering the legacy of my Father today, I wish you all a very happy and joyous day.

I am sure many of you have wonderful Dad stories to share & cherish, as our Fathers legacies live on within us.

Many Blessings,

Cydney, Jack & Chuk

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