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COVID-19 & Healthy Practices at Cydney Mar Wellness

Author: Cydney Mar

Dear Loved Wellness Community ~

As communities around the world are struggling with Coronavirus (COVID-19), I wanted to reassure you that the health and safety of customers, employees and their families is my first priority.  

I am blessed to work with my incredible manufacturer, maintaining the highest standards and respect all of the Health Canada & the Government of Canada requests for best practices in these uncertain times ( as always ).

The best news is that all our products are safety sealed & handled with care, respecting Canadian Standards. 

Myself, I have hunkered down to make sure I had sufficient supplies of food & practical items on hand, without exaggerating. 

I've taken the steps to sanitize my home, stepped up my personal practices, washed up my dear sweet puppy Princess Shilo & made the hard choice of not allowing her to be petted by strangers in the street. It breaks my heart not to share her joy, but our healthy choices show how we love.

I hope that you have been able to do the same. I hope to be able to be generous in tough times and to be able to support those who may need help.

I send many blessings for your safety, your family & loved ones during these times.

So much love & good wishes,

Cydney, Chuk & Princess Shilo

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