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What can we do today to stay healthy?

Author: Cydney Mar

Dear Loved Ones,

In today's quickly changing climate & concerns about how to protect your health amid the global coronavirus situation, I'd like to add to the conversation about healthy practices.

I am sure you have wobbled between a response of panic & "whatever " with all the information & disinformation being bandied about in the news & on the internet.

I am no expert & like yourself, I am making decisions to be safe, without ( hopefully ) falling into fear. 

I've done a bit of prudent shopping to stock up a bit (it's hard for me to store much as my home does not have a lot of extra pantry space, I have never kept more than a weeks worth of anything in my home ) 

I've read a bit, I have listened a bit... and I have also purposefully disconnected so that my emotional state did not blow a gasket. To give myself a break, I have meandered into the fantasy land of movies & playing with my Princess Shilo. 

Today, I made the hard decision to stop allowing strangers to pet Princess Shilo. Tonight I will have a bath with my sweet puppy & disinfect her ( in case ) & that starting tomorrow, I cannot allow people on the street to pet her. It breaks my heart, as I have always wanted to share the joy of her ~ she makes SO many people happy, from good old Westmount marms, to children, to the homeless.

She is pure joy & makes everyone smile. 

I talked to my fave pet store & they do not have any disinfectants to spray on her, and as a loving puppy mom, I kiss her all day long. So how do I navigate not shaking hands with anyone and allowing my sweet puppy to be petted by absolutely everyone? 

It simply is not prudent. 

So how to keep the joy & yet be a responsible citizen at the same time? 

These are all questions that we are grappling with today. I cannot advise you, I can only share my own observations & my own stories of how I am choosing to navigate these uncertain times.

  • Am I washing my hands more? Yes.
  • Am I more aware of how I touch things that could be contaminated? Yes. 
  • Am I trying to stay informed? Yes.

And I am sure, so are you ~

Be well, be safe & mostly, try to keep the joy in life,

Many blessings,

Cydney, Princess Shilo & Chuk 

Everyone has been asking me what vitamins I might have that will boost your immune system. 

Here is 20% Discount Code for these use Immune20-3

Everyday Energy, Multi-Vitamin 
Immune Booster 
Happy Cells 

I am delighted to participate in The Language of Beauty Summit hosted by Paola Rodriguez. 

In times like these, a discussion about what the language of beauty means to each of us is crucially important. 

Join the discussion and enjoy The Language of Beauty.

And more than anything, choose happiness, it's a healthy choice.

Take the time to go for a walk, to see your loved ones, call a friend & do a random act of kindness.

The world needs it today and a positive happy attitude is a healthy way to approach life.

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