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The Tooth Fairy

Author: Cydney Mar

Hey Lovely, 

It's been quite the year for me & my Tooth Fairy drama as last Christmas, I was merrily munching away on some yummy popcorn that I had JUST made in the microwave ( its a super cute popcorn maker, great for me & the birdies as there are no additives ).

When I crunched down hard on an unpopped kernel. CRACK!! Owee!!
I cracked a molar, boo-hoo!!

It was between Christmas & New Year's, and my dental clinic was closed. I could only make an appointment for a week later when they reopened after the holidays. 

I went to the corner store and got some soups, yogurts & soft foods.

The following week at the clinic, my dentist removed the broken corner of my tooth, repaired what she could & explained that I had damaged the root, it was broken below the gum & that I had to have it extracted & replaced with an implant ( read painful, long & costly ) Grrhhh!!

I met with the dental advisor to understand the costs & procedures and the options were... I opted to sign up for the University of Montreal Dentistry Clinic ( where the dental students learn on patients & it is about 30-50% less expensive ) 

In October, I returned to my clinic as I had another molar that was bothering me on the other side ( sheesh! ). She just said to watch it. 

I went through the onboarding process and met with the University only in November ( 11 months later ). They thought I needed only a root canal, but as I had begun seeing a bit of an infection, I went back to my clinic to review, as I did not want to seal in an infection!

Ultimately, I agreed to extract the damaged tooth & have a bone graft, which was scary & not as painful as I thought, I was lucky & it has healed well so far. I'll get a full scan in a few months to see if it is ready to schedule the implant. 

As I always do, I chatted about my vitamins & Dr. R requested my Fabulous Hair Skin & Nails for herself ( she is a busy mom & a bit stressed ) and then asked me to suggest a protocol for her patients with gum disease. 

I worked out what I thought & reviewed it with our ND to verify it was good. And now, I have set up an Oral Health Link on my website to guide those looking to improve & support their oral health on my website. 

Our ND also suggested that I include SiliMer, a silica collagen that is a tasteless liquid that heals & supports gums & teeth ( and is fab for your skin! ) Health & Beauty always go hand in hand! Now it is available together with my other supplements. 

In the meantime, my other Dentist, Dr. C. did an exploratory root canal on my other molar to see if we could save the tooth ( so far so good! ), and if all goes well & the gums heal, they will be able to put a crown on it. Cross your fingers for me!

However, I do need to look into my toolbox to support my teeth ( smile!! ) and YOURS...

Here are the vitamins that we are recommending for healthy teeth & gums, plus some extra practices:

Everyday Multi-Vitamin ~ Superb B Complex in therapeutic dosage to build solid health, repairs nerves, supports energy. 

Strong Bones ~ Strong foundation is essential for the body’s alignment. Builds & remodels the bone tissue, gums + teeth & calms nerves.

SiliMer ~ Liquid Collegan to support connective tissues, gums + teeth. Great for skin & overall body.

I now keep a small jar of salt & a little spoon by my toothbrush to rinse out my mouth, after brushing & then I do the Silimer rinse & afterwards, swallow it (it's good for you! ) 

In the morning, I added a coconut oil pull ( I now keep a small cup with coconut oil in it, to melt in my mouth, I swirl it in and around my teeth, as they say, the oils attach to germs and they get "pulled " out. I checked with our ND & he said YES! I forgot to tell you to add that to your protocol. 

Hopefully, when I return to the clinic in 8 weeks my gums will have healed & as you can see, I am trying to make every effort to keep my nice smile. 

Hopefully, the Tooth Fairy will bless me & YOU with healthier teeth & gums, and we can continue to smile happily!!

Please use SMILE30 for 30% off for Oral Health all during March 😃 so we can all SMILE!!

Many Blessings & Much Love,


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