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🌸Love never goes out of style

Author: Cydney Mar

I've been thinking a LOT about LOVE these days ( who doesn't?? ) and feeling that more & more, we need to have self-love, first.

Love never goes out to style, love is kind, love is patient and love knows what is best for each of us. 

I grew up in a family that loved me deeply, and this I know, they loved me even through so, so many sacrifices financially, emotionally & more ~

It grew me into the woman I am today, with a profound knowledge of the cost.

Today, I'd like to celebrate that love, the love that carried us through, the love that carries on, that nourishes us.

Let's all take care of ourselves, our loved ones & create a place where love never goes out of style. 

Many Blessings, Loved Ones, may love find its way home into your hearts. 

AKA The Vitamin Queen ( hey, we have to work with what we've got! )

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