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The 9th Month ~ a Story of the Birth of Cydney Mar Wellness ~

Author: Cydney Mar

It's a week before the American Thanksgiving, the big Black Friday & Cyber Monday crazy sales and promotions, it is almost the Christmas Season, I see Christmas decorations and yup, my confession time, I have pulled mine out to decorate my home this week, already. 

And this makes me introspective that it hasn't been yet even a year, since I ventured out to make Cydney Mar Wellness available for sale. Upon the urgings of my friends who had heard about it, well they made me finally show it, wanted to buy it and voila ! Cydney Mar Wellness was born. 

I had already created it, worked on the names , the packaging, worked on the Press Releases, the introductory videos, the everything... it was ready to sell, but I wasn't ready to step out of my comfort zone. I wasn't ready to say, hey, I'm a fashion designer who had a crash and burn and now I would like to help you get better. It still doesn't make sense to me. But it works, I am having a wonderful time making it available, I built this website to house all the information that people might need to make a healthy-for-them-choice. 

I feel humbled, grateful and deeply honoured that so many of you have trusted me to help you make healthy choices. I offer the knowledge that I have , check in with our Brain Trust at the manufacturing with the Naturopaths, and have them check over the protocols. 

I am deeply grateful for the wonderful testimonials, reviews and wonderful interactions that I have had the pleasure of engaging in with you. 

Thank you for helping me birth Cydney Mar Wellness. I am deeply grateful for your loving kindness,

Many blessings






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