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Why Being Consistent = Everyday Fabulous !!

Author: Cydney Mar

You know when people ask that question " what would you tell your 18-year old self? "

Well, as it stands, I have a wonderful 18-year-old Summer intern working with me right now. So pretty much every day, I've been able to ask my self that question, and answer hers, lol.

It's been fun, reflecting on what I've done right, what I've done wrong and thinking about what I want to leave behind this line in the sand that I call my BIG 6-0 and what I want to bring with me on my next adventures into my next 60 years.

I always said I was going to live fabulously well until 120.

At the beginning of the year, I wrote myself a list of promises that I made to myself, covering everything in Life from Love, Money, Health, Beauty & Spirit.

I questioned myself about what legacy did I want to leave ~ And yup, I got my wills updated & notarized, I have side letters for my fur baby & feather baby boy. 

I am doing those things that count, at least for me ~ I'm way more discerning, I take more time for reflection, and I put into place most of the foundational "things " I wanted to be in place.

Taking care of myself and those I love around me is really the legacy that I want to leave.

I realize that even as I said when I was 18, I have a raison d'être and much of what helps me is being consistent. 

Who knew that simply taking my vitamins every day, showing up, working hard, having fun and all the things that made my world go round would have me arriving on the doorstep of 60 being, pretty fabulous??

What are you doing consistently that is supporting your everyday fabulous? 

I'd love to hear from you what your healthy happy habits are ~ It would be fun to compile everyone's secrets to fabulous together!

So much love,

Psst ~ Don't forget that you can still take advantage of my 20daysto60 Gift Code & save 20% on regular orders & get entered into The Forever Fabulous Giveaways!!


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