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The Simplicity of Healthy Choices ~

Author: Cydney Mar

Tonight I thought I'd make an early supper, I had made a beautiful paelle of sorghum grains, with veggies & beans, a salmon pattie that was calling my name, a few fresh fruits in the fridge, salad and a nice bottle of red wine.

I poured myself a glass of red wine, and savoured my supper, and then wondering if I'd actually made great choices health wise. So often we reach for comfort food, and honestly I had had a very challenging week, very busy with the fashion side of my business, an awfully sore neck from trying to be a "champ" at going to the grocery store with my dog Jack & my roller bag to the Metro Grocery Store, only to give myself a " Wry Neck ".  Oops !! The good Dr. gave me anti-inflammatories and muscle relaxants on Monday ( knocked me out, I slept for 48 hours !! But hey, my neck was better ! )

And so I sat here tonight, breathing a sigh of relief thinking, ok got it , I feel better, I got through the week, I managed. And as the Wellness Enthusiast, I wondered just how well I had managed to feed my body. Were my go to choices healthy choices? Was I feeding my body & soul well ? Was I going to feel fabulous tomorrow morning ? I love awaking up feeling jim dandy !! 

After supper I dissected my meal ~ and found out it was a pretty healthy choice afterall!! So after congratulating myself, I thought I'd share some healthy choices with you here. 


My recipe of Quinoa ( It's my fav dish that I like to make every other week ) in this case I decided to substitute Sorghum Grain since a dear friend dropped by with a fresh bag of these neat grains.)  I discovered that Sorghum likes to be cooked longer that Quinoa , but it was nutty and crunchy and a nice alternative to Quinoa. Sorghum is native to Africa and has tons of essential nutrients, carbs & proteins. The corn in the recipe provided fibre ( so healthy for your heart and elimination ! ) plus good calcium, which helps to keep you calm and is great for your heart & bones. Black beans are an unsung hero in my opinion, not expensive and often overlooked... however they offer high quality protein, high fibre, calcium which is great for your bone structure and iron & zinc which is great for your bones & joints.  Black beans also contribute to  lowering  your blood pressure naturally, help manage diabetes because of its high fibre content, helps to lower cholesterol, and as it has quercetin in them it is a natural anti inflammatory effect and reduces atherosclerosis and saponins which prevents cancer cells from multiplying. It also plays a role in the liver enzyme function and helps detoxify the liver. Black Beans are also high in folate which play a part in DNA synthesis and repair. Makes you feel full !

Jalopenos are high in vitamin C, and they have capsaicin which is anti inflammatory and promotes healthy blood flow. 

Tomatoes are high in Vitamin E ( alpha tocopherol ) Thiamin, Niacin B6, Folates Magnesium, Phosphorus & Copper. Lycopene rich, it is an anti oxidant that reduces heart disease and cancer. I like keeping cherry tomatoes on the counter, where they are lovely to see and terrific to add to a meal.

Strawberries are exceptional anti oxidants ( studies show that one should eat strawberries 3 times per week to receive the full benefits ) lowers sugar spikes so would be a great choice for someone pre diabetic or diabetic as it regulates the sugar response. Plus it lowers the CRP ( I am pretty familiar with THAT , I was so inflamed when I was ill in the hospital,  mine was 465!! when an average healthy human is around 3 ) Who knew I should have been eating strawberries!!

Apples, well I am fond of apples because they always remind me of my father who LOVED Red Delicious Apples and in particular, dark wine coloured ones with firmness. Apples pack a ton of anti oxidants ( hey anti oxidants means you will avoid damaged cell walls and damaged tissues and wrinkles too , need I say more ? ) The pectin and fibre are simply a great choice. Helps avoid Alzheimers,protects against Parkinson's, curbs Cancers, and reduces diabetes. It detoxes your Liver, neutralizes IBS , boosts your immune system and helps your heart be healthier. As they say, an apple a day !!

Green salad leafy greens , tons of Vitamin K to support your heart health, offers fibre and iron.

Salmon is an excellent source of protein, amino acids, great for the joints, insulin effectiveness and controls inflammation. It has a low GI , which means the sugar load is low ( that is good ! ) tons of B's Omega 3's and iodine which is great for your thyroid. Salmon is great for your brain, joints, eyes and decreases cancer risks.

And lastly my glass of Red Wine ~ Of course in moderation, the happy healthy benefits are it IS good for your heart, lowers cholesterol LDL, keeps blood vessels flexible ( the way an aspirin works ) It is the Resveratrol in red wine that inhibits the bad stuff and supports the good effects as long as it is in moderation. 

And that my loves, is my Saturday night Supper dissertation on how making healthy choices for supper can not only nourish your body but be delicious and fun at the same time!!

Hope you are having the loveliest of evenings~ 

Big Love 



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