Shocking, yes I know!
But I did it ~ My good friends Kenny & David came to visit me and I wanted to set aside any other commitments, be it anything that I might have done for my companies, commitments I made for homework ( as crazy online entrepreneurs we are always enrolled in multiple courses at any one time ) to any community commitments I had made.
I was taking the weekend OFF.
The boys were arriving starting Friday morning ~ I wanted to clear the decks for my Q2 accounting and get my files over to my bookkeeper BEFORE Friday morning. So I stayed up til 3 am to complete & email them to her, lol.
Then I hopped in the tub, washed my hair & did my mani-pedi with a pretty quick dry nail polish, and went to clonk out and grab a few hours sleep before David arrived.
I got up at 8 am to walk Jack ( he knows no mercy, lol ) and as I walked Jack, David flagged me down on the street... Talk about perfect timing!!
As we came back to my place, we grabbed him a delicious coffee at The Standard Cafe, my fave gourmet coffee shop in the neighbourhood so I could put my face on and get dressed properly ( dog walking clothes do not get to go to the diner )
All refreshed, David & I headed out to Chez Nick's our iconic diner on Greene Avenue that has been around since 1920. Nothing like a fresh diner breakfast with lots of coffee and time to chinwag. David is the author of a wonderful book called The Thriving Artist ( The boys bought it for me as an early Birthday giftie !! ) I got David to sign it and was delighted to chat about how he's been able to coach so many dancers, artists and entrepreneurs how to manage their money and thrive with incomes that go up & down ~
That afternoon Kenny arrived after teaching skating at Chelsea Piers that morning ~ we have known each other since we were 6... and now that Kenny has had his big 6-0 and I am on the verge of mine, that's so much precious time, memories and food for the soul.
There was so much to talk about all weekend, lovely food both at home ( I prepared a fabulous Sunday brunch while Kenny slept in ) the boys had taken me out for my early birthday dinner the night before at The Taverne on the Square.
As someone who used to travel 150K per year to each of the QVC, TVSN or TSC Shopping Channels, I've become a homebody, I love that some things just stay the same and I reveled in spending wonderful quality time with my friends.
Did my businesses fall apart? No. Did I miss any orders? No. Did I send out my usual Friday email? No, lol ( that's why I am in your inbox today, haha. )
It was food for my soul, and I am back at it with a happier heart, a clearer mind, and feeling quite fabulous.
Taking a break is crucial for your Health & Happiness.
I got to spend it with my dear friends and nourish my soul.
What are you doing to nourish your soul?
Many blessings,
Why taking time off is GOOD for your Health & Happiness
Author: Cydney Mar
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