Simply Gorgeous, Radiant Skin
beautiful skin fabulous hair skin & nails healthy habits Self-Care skin Skin care water
Cydney MarIt’s that Peek-a-boo into Spring time where some of us are enjoying snow drops pushing through the snow and some of us just dreaming about the arrival of Spring. Got your tall glass of water? I’ve got mine! It’s all about how you can welcome in the beautiful radiance of Spring just by making sure you are so, so well hydrated. Spring reminds me of when everything is dewy fresh and holds the promise of all of our hearts desires. It reminds me that I love to have radiant dewy fresh skin, always ~ And Spring time magnifies my desires,...
Sexy Water Habits !!
detox habits health healthy habits self love Self-Care water
Cydney MarIt’s Sexy Water Time !! Hehehe … Gotcha did I ?? Every time I hop onto do a Facebook LIVE, I am toting my tall glass of water with a few slices of lemon in it and I cajole you into drinking more water. I am a creature of sexy water habits :) I was being interviewed the other day by a good friend for her upcoming wellness podcast and she asked me to share a few of my healthy secrets that could be actioned right away. And I said to her, gosh if I had ONLY one thing to...
A little Self Love goes a long way
connections exercise health healthy habits love self love Self-Care subscriptions
Cydney MarIt’s already February and I am thinking about Self Love January has come and gone, Chinese New Years was SUPER fun and Valentines Day is almost here. I am getting all worried about all my commitments. I want to do everything! Everything doesn't fit in! Ok, time to cut myself some slack and offer myself a little bit of loving. I am planning on recommitting to being more consistent. I get all excited about ideas and things I want to do and then Poof! I get all pear shaped and sideways and somehow not all the things I promised myself...
Happy Chinese New Years !!
Chinese New Year family traditions traditions
Cydney MarHello Everyone !! Happy Chinese New Year!! I hope that 2017 has been amazing for you already and that you're feeling for a fabulous fresh start. I know I am happy to get this party started :) First, let’s celebrate ~ On January 28th, 2017, the new moon bids goodbye to The Fire Monkey and beckons in the energy of the Fire Rooster. Let's welcome the fresh energy into our lives. This last year has been such an energetic year with the Fire Monkey challenging us in so many mischievous ways. Now, the proud Fire Rooster has arrived to bring...
A New Calling ~ Teaching people how to cook healthy meals ??
cooking easy meals healthy choices
Cydney MarJust got booked to teach a bachelor how to cook healthy meals at home, could this be a new calling, lol? I find this so charming because I recall so many years ago when I first left home, I did not know how to cook-at-all! I knew from my father, how to balance the ingredients based on their colour ( 3 colours Cyd!! not two the same, for instance not rice AND bread or potatoes ) IE One white, one red, one green ~ He said a meal is balanced with three parts. My cousin Jo & Auntie Kay gave...