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Why Being Consistent = Everyday Fabulous !!

Cydney Mar 20 Days to 60 Consistency Everydayfabulous healthy habits

Why Being Consistent = Everyday Fabulous !!

You know when people ask that question " what would you tell your 18-year old self? "Well, as it stands, I have a wonderful 18-year-old Summer intern working with me right now. So pretty much every day, I've been able to ask my self that question, and answer hers, lol.It's been fun, reflecting on what I've done right, what I've done wrong and thinking about what I want to leave behind this line in the sand that I call my BIG 6-0 and what I want to bring with me on my next adventures into my next 60 years.I always said I...

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20 Days to 60 & Fabulous Forever!!

Cydney Mar 20 Days to 60 agelessness healthy choices

20 Days to 60 & Fabulous Forever!!

Fabulous Forever!! Would you like to be Forever Fabulous??I have been reflecting on the fact I am turning 60 in a short 20 days … and I had a lot of random, funny and curious thoughts popping up.Remembering running through the forests picking huckleberries & climbing up 60 foot Douglas Fir trees in our neighborhood, having my worried parents talk me down from the treetops as I wanted to touch the sky.Clambering over slippery wet river rocks in the Capilano River with my dear childhood friend Kenny, looking at tadpoles, watching the salmon swimming upstream and spawning, the sun dappling...

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Why taking time off is GOOD for your Health & Happiness

Cydney Mar healthy choices taking time off

Why taking time off is GOOD for your Health & Happiness

Shocking, yes I know! But I did it ~ My good friends Kenny & David came to visit me and I wanted to set aside any other commitments, be it anything that I might have done for my companies, commitments I made for homework ( as crazy online entrepreneurs we are always enrolled in multiple courses at any one time ) to any community commitments I had made. I was taking the weekend OFF.The boys were arriving starting Friday morning ~ I wanted to clear the decks for my Q2 accounting and get my files over to my bookkeeper BEFORE Friday morning. So...

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Surviving the Entrepreneurs Journey

Cydney Mar

Surviving the Entrepreneurs Journey

When I think about why I started my business, I think back to the time I was deathly ill in the hospital about 5 years ago. I already had a flourishing business as an International Fashion Designer, selling my fashions in 8 countries around the world, appearing on TV shopping channels, seemingly having the time of my life. Until Mono stopped me cold. I was 54, and sick as a dog in the hospital, wondering what just happened to me and wondering if I would survive. Two full months later, after life-saving surgery, getting my lungs drained from Pleurisy, and...

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Enabling Healthy Practices

Cydney Mar

Enabling Healthy Practices

I woke up this morning, stretched, feeling happy and then thought    “ I’ve become an enabler “   At first, I panicked, I thought oh-my-goodness, what have I done?   I got up and as I walked with Jack around the neighborhood at 6 a.m. the streets quiet, I reflected on my guiltiness.   I had appointments, so I put the thought aside and promised myself I’d return to it later.   Later in the afternoon, I thought about the state of everyone’s health, the progress that many of you have made in terms of consistency, getting your health & beauty...

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